Example: You go into a store. You buy something. You pay sales tax.
At that point, in Georgia, two things may happen to the sales tax money you just paid. One, the business that received the sales tax money from you will send it to the state. Or two, the business owner will keep the sales tax money for his own personal use. You see the problem.
Alabama has already implemented a point of sale bill and they found 1 billion extra dollars in unreturned sales tax to help them through their economic downturn.
With 1 billion extra dollars, Georgia could have chosen to not furlough state employees (and not raise property taxes.)
The Governor does not support HB356 and the elected Republican Leadership last year let HB356 die in committee. DuBose will be bringing a new HB356 again this session.
DuBose Porter will continue to fight to get your money back for you.
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A well educated workforce will attract industry and help grow jobs.
DuBose Porter
will put your voice back in your government.